I once had 30+ T-shirt Designs. I could easily share a design a day for this month. However, since I've revamped most of my designs I have almost 20. BUT not all are available on the website. Not as yet anyway.
So, it occurred to be to share the Designs that are ready this month. And make a few more available to you our valued customers.
The concept came from a Digital banner I created (2015) - to encourage myself to put God first and everything else will sort itself out. Most of my Tshirt ideas came to me in Church. However, not this time. I was mostly at home. Working on some Design jobs every now and again but I was not feeling like I was doing what I ought to be doing. I was getting anxious and wanted things to start flowing and get going. After I realized that I was rushing myself trying to 'get stuff done' and then adding God afterwards. I created it to remind myself: GOD FIRST everything else after.
I feel if we all focus on God and find out our purpose in the Kingdom - then our dreams and goals will unfold before we even realize. Because God would have placed things along our path as we journey to enrich the Kingdom.
I hope this will encourage someone when they wear it. Or gift it to someone who needs this reminder. Always, always turn to God in any situation, big or small. God loves us all and wants the best for us all, so put GOD FIRST.
Creatively Blessed
~ C